About Coach Caprio

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Mike and Mary purchased their future retirement home on a whim following the snowbound New Jersey winter of 2010/2011. An episode of House Hunters International convinced them that St. Thomas would be an ideal location to live out their golden years. However, they still have a few years to go before they can pack it in and head to the beautiful island paradise that they plan to call home. In the mean time, they are renting their home and hoping that other people will enjoy this cozy island condo as much as they do.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mathew & Margot's Wedding

I was asked to speak at the wedding which took place on October 10th. Mathew is the son of my deceased husband Doug's brother Gregg and his wife Ann. They have made a special effort to keep me in the family, even embracing my marriage to Michael. They are warm, funny and generous people. Here is what I had to say:

"When Mathew asked me to do a reading, while deeply honored, I faced 2 challenges. First, to find the perfect reading and second, to face my fear of public speaking. So, here I am, attempting to meet these challenges.

I searched the internet for the perfect prose and nothing really resonated. I decided to tap into the inner wisdom that comes from 20 years of marriage, counting a 3 year gap between husbands. And now, I give you Mary's Guide to a Happy Marriage:

Margot, there are 2 questions to avoid at all cost. 1) Does this make me look fat? and 2)Do you notice anything different about me?. These are loaded questions and there is no right answer.
Mathew, there are 2 phrases that you must commit to memory. Be prepared to use them liberally. The first is, "Yes dear" and the second is "I'm Sorry". Practice saying these in a sincere tone of voice.

On a serious note, I do have something I would like to read. It is more common sense than flowery or romantic. I found it when I googled a phrase that expresses my own life philosophy - Live with Intention. And now, a reading from the book of Mary, as written by Maryanne Radmacher:
Live with Intention
Walk to the Edge
Listen Hard
Play with Abandon
Practice Wellness
Risk Love
Continue to Learn
Appreciate your friends
Choose with no regret
Stand by your family
Celebrate the holidays that make sense
Lead or follow a leader
Do what you love
Live as if this is all there is.

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